Table of Contents
Election of Officers and Directors
Meetings, Annual
The name of this organization shall be the Hemet-San Jacinto Congress of Republicans hereinafter referred to as H-SJCR. back to top
The purposes and objectives for which this organization is formed are as stated below, but not limited to:
1. To inform, educate, encourage, and persuade all citizens to register and vote to support the policies and candidates of the Republican Party.
2. To develop an intelligent, aggressive and serviceable Republican organization within the area specified by
3. To foster and develop interest in and appreciation for the ideals of self-government and personal responsibility.
4. To gather and disseminate accurate information concerning proposed legislation and ballot measures and candidates.
5. To select, endorse, and support members of this organization and other outstanding Republicans for public office at both the primary, special, and general elections.
6. To conceive, develop and support measures for the improvement of government, and to promote public forums to serve in the public interest. back to top
The jurisdiction of the H-SJCR will focus on, but not be limited to, those concerns and issues that impact the San Jacinto Valley encompassing the cities of Hemet and San Jacinto and outlying areas in the county of Riverside.
Section 4.1 Classification: The classification of memberships in this organization shall be regular and honorary.
Section 4.2 Members in Good Standing: Members in good standing are only those members who have been accepted and approved by the Board of Directors and who are current with their dues.
Section 4.3 Regular: Regular members of this organization shall be those American citizens who are registered to vote as Republicans and are approved for membership by the Board of Directors.
Section 4.4 Honorary Members: Honorary members shall be those registered Republicans who, by a two/thirds vote of the Board of Directors of this Chapter, are elected to honorary membership in this Chapter.
Section 4.5 Termination of Membership: If membership dues remain unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice by the Membership VP, such membership shall be terminated and such member shall cease to be in good standing. Membership may be terminated by the Board of Directors’ action in Robert’s Rules of Order when such actions of a member is deemed inappropriate by the Board of Directors. back to top
Section 5.1 Election of Officers and Directors: Officers and Directors shall be elected by plurality vote of regular members at the annual election meeting. (see Section 7.3)
Section 5.2 The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, three Vice Presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, and five to eight Directors. The Immediate Past President shall automatically be a member of the Board of Directors for the term following his/her presidency or until a new president is elected.
Section 5.3 The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary, and Immediate Past President.
Section 5.4 Qualifications: A candidate for Chapter elective office must be a Regular Member in good standing for at least one (1) year. A candidate for President or Vice President shall have served on the Board of Directors for at least one (1) year.
Section 5.5 Term of Office: Officers and Directors shall be elected for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and installed. The President shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 5.6 Powers and Duties: The Board of Directors and each of the Officers shall have the following powers and duties. back to top
Official spokesperson for the organization.
Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors as well as regular meetings.
Ensure the By-laws are diligently enforced.
Have full power to appoint all members of the standing, special or ad hoc committees deemed necessary to perform the work of H-SJCR.
Responsible for the H-SJCR newsletter.
Perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office. back to top
First Vice President
To become President of H-SJCR in the event that the Office of President becomes vacant.
Perform all the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
Assist the President as pertains to all duties and activities of that office.
Perform such duties as the President may request.
Arrange for Chapter meeting programs. back to top
Second Vice President
Perform duties pertaining to all membership drives.
Serve as chairman of Membership Committee.
Be responsible for membership retention.
Perform such duties as the President may request.
Keep a record of all members names and addresses. back to top
Third Vice President
Serve as liaison with Hemet/San Jacinto Valley Republican Women’s Club Federated (H/SJVRWCF).
Report on activities of H/SJVRWCF. back to top
Receive, collect and deposit all money received by H-SJCR.
Maintain the usual books or records of accounts and report on income, disbursements, and liabilities.
Originate all disbursements as directed by the Board of Directors.
Perform such duties as the President may request.
NOTE: All drafts shall be signed by two officers which must include the Treasurer and one of the following: President or secretary
The Treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of H-SJCR if requested by the Board of Directors.
Report to the appropriate state and federal agencies. back to top
Keep minutes of all meetings. Provide notice of all meetings.
Perform such duties and correspondence as the President may request. back to top
The Board of Directors
Solicit and receive contributions from members of the general public for the purposes of HSJCR and the activities it sponsors.
Shall not solicit funds for the State or County Central Committees or for use by the Republican Party without first securing consent of the appropriate party officials in the manner provided by the Election Code of California.
Transact all business of H-SJCR.
Carry out the objectives and purposes of H-SJCR.
Protect the H-SJCR membership mailing list from use by any other organization without a two-thirds majority approval of the Board. back to top
The Executive Committee
Set the time and place of all meetings.
Implement the daily business between meetings of the Board of Directors. back to top
Section 5.7 Public Service: No Officer shall hold any partisan or nonpartisan remunerative elective public office at the city, county, state or federal levels, provided that this shall not prohibit serving on any public commission or board for which no regular salary is received, nor any office or position of authority within the Republican Party.
Section 5.8 Removal from Office: Any officer may be removed upon recommendation of a majority of the Board of Directors by a three-fourths vote of the Chapter at a regular monthly meeting where a quorum is present, but only after thirty (30) days written notice to all members specifying reasons that such removal will be voted on.
Section 5.9 Vacancies: Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by the Board of Directors.
Section 5.10 Delegates: Delegates to attend conventions of the CCR and to represent the H-SJCR shall be nominated and elected by the membership at a general meeting. A written notice will be given to the membership prior to nominations. back to top
Section 6.1 Appointments: All members of committees shall hold office at the pleasure of the President with approval of the Board of Directors. No committee appointments shall continue beyond the time of the annual election, unless reappointed.
Section 6.2 Standing Committees: The Standing Committees of the Chapter shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Section 6.3 Nominating Committee: A Nominating committee shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors not less than thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days before the annual election meeting. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members in good standing. At the annual meeting of the Chapter, the nominating committee shall report its nomination of officers and directors for the ensuing year. Nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting. back to top
Section 7.1 Directors Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet once each month at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. A Quorum shall consist of a simple majority.
Section 7.2 Regular Meetings: Regular membership meetings may be held monthly at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.
Section 7.3 Annual Meetings: Annual meetings shall be held in December of each year for the purpose of electing Officers and Directors. The meeting time and place shall be designated by the Executive Committee.
Section 7.4 Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President or by at least one-third of the members of the Board of Directors. The meeting time and place shall be designated by the Executive Committee.
Section 7.5 Executive Committee Meetings: Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the President. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of three (3) members. back to top
Section 8.1 Sources: The revenues of the H-SJCR shall be derived from dues, contributions, and fund raisers.
Section 8.2 Dues: Any changes in Chapter dues shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and established by the general membership at its annual meeting.
Section 8.3 Contributions: Funds may be contributed or pledged by any interested member or honorary member or other donor to the general fund. No such contribution shall exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per year from any one contributor, unless approved by the Board of Directors of the Chapter.
Section 8.4 Distribution of Funds: No funds will be appropriated without a two-thirds approval of the Board of Directors. All funds raised by the Chapter will be used for the purposes and objectives as stated in Article II.
Endorsements shall be made in accordance with the State CCR By-Laws. back to top
Only regular members in good standing are eligible to vote. There shall be no voting by proxy. back to top
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern this Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws. back to top
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of this Chapter by a favorable two-thirds vote of members present provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting or submitted in writing thirty days prior to the regular meeting at which the voting will take place. back to top
The following is a suggested model for the agenda and order of business for meetings of the Directors and Regular Meetings:
Pledge of Allegiance
Reading and Approval of the Minutes
Committee Reports
Old (unfinished) Business
New Business
Adjournment back to top
These By-Laws shall be subject to the provisions of the Articles and By-Laws as adopted and amended from time to time by the California Congress of Republicans, which provisions are incorporated herein and made a part thereof, wherever appropriate. A copy of these By-Laws, as amended from time to time, shall be filed with the CCR. back to top